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Quick Start

Sui dApp Starter is a full-stack boilerplate which let's you scaffold a solid foundation for your Sui project and focus on the business logic of your dapp from day one.

Here you can find a step-by-step guide on how to get up and running with Sui dApp Starter locally.

If you want to try Sui dApp Starter right away, check out our demo, or continue with this guide to create and run a new project locally.

1. Install system requirements

2. Scaffold a new app

Use Github template ->


pnpm create sui-dapp@latest

3. Install project dependencies

pnpm install

4. Run the local Sui network

pnpm localnet:start

Local Sui Explorer will be available on localhost:9001

5. Deploy the demo package to the local network

pnpm localnet:deploy

6. Switch your wallet to the local network

Go to your browser wallet settings and find the Network setting, where choose Local.

7. Fund your local network account/address

Use the faucet button integrated into your wallet (e.g. Sui Wallet).

8. Run the app

pnpm start

You can find all starter console commands in package.json