is a React hook that helps you determine and synchronize with the network type (mainnet, testnet, devnet, or localnet) currently active in the user's wallet.
import { useNetworkType } from '@suiware/kit';
function MyComponent() {
const { networkType, synchronize } = useNetworkType({
autoSync: true,
autoSyncInterval: 3000
return (
Current Network: {networkType}
The hook accepts an options object with the following properties:
Parameter | Type | Description |
autoSync | boolean | (Optional) Determines whether the app network needs to be synchronized with the wallet network regularly or just once |
autoSyncInterval | number | (Optional) Auto sync interval in milliseconds. Default is 3000ms |
Return Value
The hook returns an object with:
Property | Type | Description |
networkType | "mainnet" | "testnet" | "devnet" | "localnet" | undefined | The current network type, or undefined if wallet is not connected |
synchronize | () => void | Function to manually synchronize the app network with wallet network |
Automatic network type detection from connected wallet
Optional automatic synchronization with configurable interval
Manual synchronization capability
Handles wallet connection state
Synchronizes app network with wallet network
Usage Examples
One-time Request
const { networkType } = useNetworkType({
autoSync: false
Regular Auto-sync
const { networkType } = useNetworkType({
autoSync: true,
autoSyncInterval: 3000
Manual Synchronization
const { networkType, synchronize } = useNetworkType();
function handleSync() {
Full Example with Network Display
import { useNetworkType } from '@suiware/kit';
function NetworkDisplay() {
const { networkType, synchronize } = useNetworkType({
autoSync: true,
autoSyncInterval: 5000
return (
<div>Current Network: {networkType || 'Not Connected'}</div>
<button onClick={synchronize}>
Sync Network